The main purpose of this study is to assess Nutritional Status & Dietary Practices among the
Selected IDDM Patients in Dhaka City. 37 people have participated in this study. They were
belonging to different ages, different gender different taste bud. All of them belongs to Dhaka city.
This study finds out that, the main reason of IDDM in Dhaka city is they are not working physically
and as we know that IDDM is lifelong dieses which is happen from the childhood so most of them
affected by born and still uncontrolled because of their regular lifestyle. Also their food habit is
playing a vital role in this case. From my research, I get to know that the percentage of type 1
diabetes is less than type 2 diabetes. And people of old age are suffering much by IDDM. Because
of Covid 19 I could not be able to make a large research on this issue. So my sample size is too
small. By judging my sample size, male percentage is 32.8% and female percentage is 67.6%.
female patients are more than male patients in this case. 37.8 % people take supplements for
diabetes and 62.2 % do not take. 64.9% people have other disease and 35.1 % people have not.
51.35% people take salt during eating, 48.65% do not take, 48.60% have allergen issue 51.40% do
not have. 16.2% people do smoking 83.80% do not, 51.35% people do exercise regularly, and
48.65% do not able to work out daily. Blood glucose before fasting maximum 43.24% have
12mmol/dl and minimum 16.22% have 10mmol/dl, blood glucose level in normal maximum
7mmol/dl -51.35%. blood pressure 62.16% have 120/80 which is normal, creatinine 40.54% have
3.0mg/dl, cross tabulation result of gender and profession showed that, 54.05% women are
housewife and 65.56% is women. The IDDM patients have commonly pressure problem and
kidney, heart diseases.