The stomach disorders are among the most common gastrointestinal diseases that reduce the
quality of life. Traditional medicine had been important in treatment of disease since long
ago. The causes of stomachache in Iranian traditional medicine are, abnormal humeric
substance in sensation of the stomach. Diagnosis and treatment of stomach pain is important,
gastrointestinal tract disorders spreads to other organs and Bangladesh is a developing
country but it’s a pleasure that the health sectors are improving gradually. There is more than
70% people are suffering by gastric problem. It is the most common stomach disorder in
Bangladesh. The stomach disorders are among the most common gastrointestinal diseases
that reduce the quality of life and the problem are gradually rising. The purpose of the study
is to investigate what kind of gastric problem are most of the people are suffering and why
and which medicine they are taking to reduce the problem. I am using a cross-section
analysis; a structured questionnaire was set collect information from the respondents (N=133)
who are living all of the area of Bangladesh. Our study reviles that, majority 74% of the
respondents were in the group 20-30 years, followed by 30-40 years 11.5%. About 10% of
the respondents were in the group grater then 40 years of the total respondents 11.7% people
are showing gastric problem more than once a week where 14% people have severe gastric
problem and 77.5% people are taking medicine when they facing gastric problem.