There is a blast of data exchange on the internet and the large use of digital media. So,
digital data owners can quickly and massively transfer multimedia documents through
the Internet. It has cause intense interest in multimedia security and multimedia
copyright protection. In this paper, a comprehensive approach protecting and
managing image,audio and video copyrights with water-marking techniques is
introduced.We propose a efficient digital water-marking scheme based on the scene
change analysis, error correction code. Our digital water-marking algorithm is robust
against the attacks of frame cascading, averaging and statistical analysis, which were
not fixed effectively in the past.It started with a complete survey about current watermarking technologies. We have discovered that none of the existing schemes was
admit of with-stand all attacks. Accordingly, we came up with the idea of embedding
a single watermark of different parts into different images,audios and videos. Then we
analyze the strength of different water-marking schemes. It optimizes the quality of
the water-marked images ,audios and videos. Also, our scheme allows blind recovery
of the embedded watermark, which does not need the original images ,audios and
videos and the watermark is perceptually invisible.