A system which is connected to the utility grid we can call it grid tie solar inverter
system. In this thesis paper we will discuss about grid tie solar inverter & besides we will
show a model about this title.
We know that in our home that we use is AC current [subject to Bangladesh]. But it’s not
like that DC current is not use totally. The current we got from battery is the source of
DC current. As a example IPAS. In Bangladesh electronics equipment is perfect for AC
current that’s why the main line is AC current . but in developed countries they convert
the AC current to DC current although it’s expensive.
In this solar inverter using full wave inverter topology the DC current converted to AC
current. During the power flow , the system control between grid & household. This
paper will give you a idea about grid connected solar inverter.
Besides this paper will give you a idea about design and simulation of inverter in
RETscreen software.