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802.1x Authentication and Certification in a Network System

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dc.contributor.author Khan, Md. Salauddin
dc.contributor.author Ali, Md. Rifat
dc.date.accessioned 2022-07-24T03:43:15Z
dc.date.available 2022-07-24T03:43:15Z
dc.date.issued 2021-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/8292
dc.description.abstract We looked into some of the mechanisms for securing corporate wired Ethernet, which are usually ignored. After a detailed analysis of all options, we decided on an IEEE 802.1X port-based authenticator technique. The authentication server is a radius server, and the authenticator is a Cisco switch. The major goal of implementing IEEE 802.1X is to limit guest access to the LAN/wired network and ensure that only genuine users are authenticated. The network is only accessible to authenticated users. The suggested approach uses Microsoft Active Directory Services in Microsoft server to monitor active users using centralized user access management. Individual configurations of all entities engaged in the mechanism are addressed in detail in order to properly offer a pilot version of the protocol that could be used to debug all faults before being deployed on a live network. We will be able to keep track of all users/employee action on the organization’s network by configuring the accounting tab on the Server Manager. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Ethernet (Local area network system) en_US
dc.subject Directory services (Computer network technology) en_US
dc.title 802.1x Authentication and Certification in a Network System en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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