The report completes my internship effectively beneath the supervision Md. Sazzadur Ahmed, Sr.
Lecture of the Department of Computer Science and Building of Daffodil International University.
I worked as an internship within the organization “GS Sweater Ltd”. This company I worked on
Organizing and IT and CCTV and Participation gadgets arrangements And Outlook/Webmail
Server. I moreover worked on different switches. My internship was full of distinctive
circumstances and duties. I got the opportunity to work with different other people groups and
higher ups amid my internship. This report appears which steps I taken after and the works that I
have learned and done. I have worked on different switches and associated them. I have given
different data around the works which I secured through my internship. I moreover got the
opportunity to type in openly and given all the points of interest as required. I attempted my most
extreme to show my capabilities through the report and appear you all.