Merchandising is the department responsible for working as a bridge between buyer,
manufacturer, and supplier. So merchandisers are capable on doing multitasking and schedule
maintenance. But we are human beings, and a minor unconcerned fault will cause the whole
merchandising flowchart to break down. With this reason in mind, we are here with this work;
this work will give its readers insight into the challenges that merchandiser faces when working
on their flowchart and give you an idea about some unique way to remedy those
issues/challenges. So, to do the study, the authors use quantitative data collection methods and
use Pareto analysis on the data to identify 20% of the area of challenges that cause 80% of the
problem in the process. Also, you will see fishbone analysis (Cause and effect diagram) on that
20 % area of challenges. These techniques of data analysis make this works more precise. In
this, works authors talk about how can project management app can change the way of thinking
and workflow of a merchandiser. Also, the reader will find two follow-up charts made with
MS Excel to follow-up efficiently with your project (Order from buyer) individual task