Buriyanga river is originated from Dhaleshweri and its referred as one of the most polluted
River around Dhaka. On the last decade significant numbers of textile and tannery industries
Have been established on the bank of rivers, part from the industries established a substantial
amount of domestic waste has been dumping into the river water which dramatically the
pollution increases of the river water. To investigate the quality of buriganga river water we
analyses the status of 10 physical parameters including pH (potential hydrogen), EC (electrical
conductivity), TDS (total dissolved solids), Do (dissolved oxygen), alkalinity, acidity, total
hardness, free carbon dioxide, magnesium hardness and calcium hardness of Buriganga River,
we collected 11 water samples from 11 different locations of Buriganga River which we further
analyzed in laboratory using different tools and methods including pH meter, EC meter, TDS
meter and titration method. Our result indicates that most of the parameters we analyzed exceed
the limited standard set by WHO (world health organization) and DoE (department of
environment) peoples republic of Bangladesh for healthy water. In addition to that our result
highlighted a strong correlation between some parameters, this indicates that the parameters
were corresponding to one another; we had found this correlation using correlation and linear
regression methods. Our research has shown the deteriorating situation of Buriganga River and
surrounding environment and suggested a strong recommendation to the concerned authorities
however a wide scale research is needed to be conducted to further develop a realistic
mechanism to cope the increasing pollution.