This report is for practicum defense. The primary objective of this report is to learn how to
conduct a project and work in real field and write it down in a formal and specific way. The
secondary objective of this report is to learn about how this Point of Sale System can manage
ordering process for customer more effective. The Point of Sale System is developed for
providing the ordering and manages service to the staff of the Shop without facing any problem.
Currently the shop handles all process manually which a very time is consuming and complex.
This software not only deals with ordering products but also deals with the internal operation of
the shop also. There are two types of user in this system including Owner and Staff. Owner can
handle user access to the system by giving their permission to a specific module and see the sales
report. Also, owner can manage expense, purchase, products, categories and set settings to run
the system smoothly. Owner also able to see various reports. Staff able to create new order
suspends a sale, print invoice for the sale and add payment to a sale. This system reduces time
consumption to perform a task like get report or calculate total of an order. The main objective of
this system is to automate the ordering process and calculate total and generate report. I have
plans to implement other features in future. I could not add all of them just because of the time
limitation. At the end of the day, what I can say is I put my honest effort and hard work to
implement the system as efficient as possible. I wish to make it flawless in near future.