Every year, 400,000 road accidents occur in the country due to chaotic traffic and low safety regulations, he added. Furthermore, many impoverished persons have abnormalities or musculoskeletal problems for which they do not receive adequate care. Manufacturing facilities are currently being created here because of the rising demand for prosthetic arms. Friendly and features able design but this design implementation hand movement is not friendly and not fast, if we develop this product around fast sensory movement and user friendly, this product is most useful for our lower-income country people. In this final implementation, we create low cost, user friendly, faster human Prosthetic Hand. Much change is required for future redundancies. There will be an adjustment of the cast from the pin jointed finger Polyurethane elastic joint that will assist ease with controlling The fingers of the hand ought to be moved distinctly in a bowed position Polyurethane elastic will give the fundamental spring Power the finger to stretch out to its resting position.