A DoS attack is a denial of service attack, in this attack, a computer sends a massive amount of
traffic to a victim’s computer and shuts it down. A Dos attack is an online attack that is used to
make the website unavailable for its users when done on a website. This attack makes the server of
a website down, which is connected to the internet by sending a large number of traffic to it. In
DDoS attack means distributed denial of service in this attack dos attacks are done from many
different locations using many systems. During a DDoS attack, multiple systems target a single
system with malicious traffic. By using multiple locations to attack the system the attacker can put
the system offline more easily. We also prevent by using Know network’s traffic, Organize a DDoS
Attack Response Plan, Create a Denial of Service Response Plan, Make your network resilient,
Practice good cyber hygiene, Scale-up your bandwidth, Take advantage of anti-DDoS hardware
and software, Move to the cloud, Know the symptoms of an attack, Outsource your DDoS
protection, Monitor for unusual activity, Perform a Network Vulnerability Assessment, etc.