In this digital era with easy access to the internet, everything is easy. If you want to
learn anything from the internet you can do it with the help of the web application
accessing them via the internet. Nowadays web applications play a vital role in our dayto-day life. But for programmers, especially beginners, need the help of other
experienced persons to guide them. This sometimes leads to the downfall of many
beginners for lack of proper or any guidance at all. The developed system is a web
application aimed at helping programmers learn and practice data structures and
algorithms. To guide the learners on what to learn, we have developed a web
application. The front-end was implemented using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. On
the other hand, Python, Django, sqlite3 was used in the back-end. In addition, a mobile
application will be developed in the future. To guide the student AI is used in the web
application. This system makes students' lives easier by guiding them even if he/she is
not from the CSE background. Trainers from different regions can upload their tutorials
for the students. This project will help the students to start their programming journey.