This article discusses and analyzes the introducing of legal mechanism to prevent
pollution and extinction of river in Bangladesh. It focuses the law and regulation
regarding pollution and extinction in Bangladesh and others countries in the world.
The principle of protecting hydro atmosphere includes the fundamental
requirement for removing all kinds of occupation and pollution. Gross development
of the country’s economy and transportation system is possible through the
restoration of river. It is one of the ways to eradicate illegal settlements to restore
river. Without ensuring pure water, human life is unimaginable. Therefore, it is vital
to keep water free from pollution. In Bangladesh there are some Laws and
regulations relating to river occupation and pollution which has not its actual
applicability in the court due to different barriers. For this reason, despite
Bangladesh being a riverine country but now-a-days rivers are disappearing with
the passage of time. The aim of this research is to analyze the existing legal regime
relating to rivers and compare the practical utility applicable laws relating water
pollution and extinction between Bangladesh and many countries. I want to find out
the major issues behind that and give some recommendations and opinion to
resolve the problem.