Our project is Web-based Travelling & Tourism System. It will help Peoples to save
time. For doing these activities we have used HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, in
window Operating System. The Travelling & Tourism System is a web-based
information system for tourism. It will also show the user's current location. Travel
agencies will use this app to manage their customers' journeys, gather information, and
so on. This program will give you a notepad where you may write down critical tasks.
It will also offer a help center where users may connect with administrators to get
answers to their questions. The Travel Portal program is founded on the premise that
passengers plan their vacations based on the reviews of other travelers. Tourism is one
of the many topics covered on the website. The purpose of this project is to use a tourism
management website to handle travelers. Login, tourist management, package,
automotive package, privacy complaints, and reports are the project's key modules. We
think that it could be an attractive website for the people to less there. This project
explores a new dimension to make it more interesting and challenging.