Depression is a very common word term. But the problem of depression is not normal.
People think it is a disease but it is not a disease. This is a mental problem. People suffer
from depression for various reasons. At present, the amount of depression among the
people seems to have increased a lot. We have tried to credit depression among all the
university students of Bangladesh during the Covid-19 pandemic period. When someone
is depressed we can find out what they want to do or what they have done to get rid of
depression. Doctors say depression is a mental disorder. The person who is suffering from
this problem is basically worried about his own wrong doing or any failure in life or there
is no one close to him anymore and he cannot accept it. Depression can also be caused by
family strife or financial problems. Depressed people don't want to talk to anyone else.
They always try to hide their depression. In our research, we have used some scales to
understand how a depressed student thinks about himself or what he wants to do and how
he can free himself from depression. The survey will give us a clear idea about these issues.
In this research Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Multinomial
Naïve Bayes, Gradient Boosting, K-Nearest Neighbours, AdaBoost, Support Vector
Machine have been used. Among these algorithms, Random Forest Algorithm hasishown
the bestiresult. Random Forest has aniaccuracy of 85.57% which is approximately 86%.