The primary impetus for our project is to provide users and owners of rental products a
platform for effective and friendly communication. Growing popularity and use of the
online system has a direction in the need to investigate the service of hiring those who enter
the cloud and improve their services to customers. [2] Nowadays, the online rental system
has selected a variety of items such as houses, cars, books, buses, trucks, cycles, bicycles
etc. which are beneficial to the users. Rental services management system is a service
system in which customers apply for the rental of a rental unit. [3] This system is much
easier to use than holding ownership and keeping the unit maintained. In our paper we
introduced a program that provides various services such as renting for the daily needs of
products such as house, cars, buses, books, trucks, clothing, bicycles, bicycles etc. The
target audience of our program is basically whoever you choose. [4] renting any products
rather than buying those products. It can be local or non-local as well as those who are new
users in the system. The purposes of this system allow for long-term rental of any products
to prepare the user or customers to choose 1 hour to 1 month or more. This program is an
extended way to offer a variety of items or items that are often organized by multiple local
blocks and integrated into a system that accepts online bookings. [5]