The world population is growing at a rapid pace, with a projected population of 9
billion people by 2050. As a result, agricultural consumption will rise as well. Annual
cereal production will need to increase by more than 200 million tons to reach 470
million tons, up from 2.1 billion tons now.The application of new technology in
agriculture, such as automation, has the potential to address several large and minor
difficulties. The projects' goal is to create an embedded system that can supply all of
the essential information for irrigation of various crops efficiently, making the entire
process automatic, cost-effective, environmentally benign, and meeting all other
environmental concerns. It will also offer rain information, and an app database will
assist us in deciding whether to use manual control or automatic control.A low-cost
soil moisture sensor was installed and tested to provide precise and dependable
results. In the field, a tool is used to detect rain. The goal is to increase farm output
and the efficiency with which water and other nutrients are used in the soil.The entire
system would propel Bangladesh's agriculture sector to new heights, with automated
processes that are also cost-effective and environmentally beneficial.