This is an internship report dependent on the three months internship program that I had finished in Square Textiles Ltd under the Human Resource Division as a prerequisite of my MBA program at Daffodil International University.
The goal of the report is to recognize how speculations and ideas are talked about in my instructive program can be drilled in the part of the enlistment and determination process at a consumer items association in Bangladesh.
The first chapter of this report is arranged by an introductory part which discusses the Introduction, Origin of the report, Objective of the study, Scope of the report, Methodology, Sources of data, Limitation.
The second chapter of this report includes the overview of the company where briefly discusses the Company Overview, Company History, Square Textiles LTD. Organogram, Mission-Vision & Objectives, Values, Sister concern group of SQUARE, Code of conduct, Production & Operations.
The third chapter explain recruitment, recruitment process, selection, selection process, Difference between recruitment and selection, Steps in recruitment and selection process.
In the fourth chapter of this report, "Square Textiles Ltd.'s Recruitment and Selection Process." This report includes SQUARE Textiles Ltd.'s whole recruitment and selection process as well as a comparison of theoretical and practical implementations, information about this organization's overall human resources procedure, and final conclusions and recommendations.