With easy access to the internet, we can learn anything with the help of it in this digital
era. Also nowadays, web applications add up to that learning process by playing a vital
role providing information based on the area of our interest and some extra features
that make our experience more enjoyable. Similarly competitive programmers need the
help of other experienced people to guide them. And lack of proper guidance or any
guidance at all, leads to the downfall of many programmers, specially, the beginners.
On the other hand, for competitive programmers improving their rating, performance
and polishing it has a huge importance. To do so, one might need to go through that
competitive programmers’ practice and performance and that kind of guidance is pretty
inconvenient to get. Here comes our project. The developed system is a web
application aimed at helping competitive programmers to enhance their performance. It
will provide them with problem suggestions to improve their performance with mentor
support. The front-end was implemented using React[15] and Tailwindcss. On the
other hand, Python[16], Django, Django-REST Framework[14], PostgreSQL[21] were
used in the back-end. To provide more accurate suggestions, AI is used in the
back-end. This system makes programmers’ lives easier by guiding them even if they
are not from the CSE background. Other programmers can guide and mentor
programmers as well. This project will help someone who intends to improve their
competitive programming performance by themselves.