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An Android Application for Union Council Information

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dc.contributor.author Islam, Md. Rabiul
dc.contributor.author Subed, Shahrier Mahmud
dc.contributor.author Afros, Lunba
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-10T03:35:45Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-10T03:35:45Z
dc.date.issued 2020-11-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/8843
dc.description.abstract In the present time, the world totally depends on Information technology. It takes the world into our hands. As a result, our country is not outside of it. For this, we are running to the competition. Our Government already has taken so many steps to take the country forward in Information Technology. Due to which we are able to enjoy the benefits like e-ticket, e-commerce, e-food, elearning, and many more. But sadly, rural people are still far from using information technology. So we thought about how to bring people at the village level under IT. Using our application, the Union Parishad will be able to store and use almost all the information and data of each citizen. On the other hand, ordinary people can use this application to take advantage of them. We need to keep in mind that a country can never be self-sufficient in information technology except in rural or backward areas. We hope that our application will bring information technology to people at the village level. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Androids en_US
dc.subject Information system en_US
dc.subject Information retrieval en_US
dc.subject Information technology en_US
dc.title An Android Application for Union Council Information en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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