The principal objective of this project is the help of android system with smart computerization.
For this the house is getting more intelligence of the touch. Now a days people don’t to work all
time for this this is the best innovation of our project. On the other hand we want to create some
innovation like sick or old people faced have much problem to switch on or off. This Remote
controlled home robotization framework is furnishes with some advanced technology by the
help of modern elements. The Node MCU module is also communicated to the other elements
like relay, dc motor, ac bulb, ir sensor ect. There is also a Blynk application on the phone which
is also an android device. Form the apps of Blynk we can control on or off very easily from the
net connections. The use of Node MCU to reduce the cost offect of our project as this is a
commercial project. If we can use it as a broad apartment or a building then we can get more
benefit from ore concept. Besides to enhance this concepts we can apply it as more conceptual
dymentions which can give us more easy and much effective on our daily life. Thus we can lead
an easy and effective activities.