Bangladesh is a land of agriculture. The agricultural sector of Bangladesh is crucial to the
country's overall economic growth. But nowadays farmers are experiencing serious
irrigation issues in the agricultural sector. Crops can be harmed as a result of over- and
under-irrigation. Lack of proper monitoring with smart technologies in agro sector so for
that our agro production decreasing day by day. As a result, we presented "An IoT-based
Smart Monitoring and Irrigation System" in this study. which must be a solution to
increase the agro production. To control irrigation from anywhere and at any time using a
computer or smartphone. This project entails the development of an IoT platform based
on Thingspeak cloud and NODEMCU that allows farmers to observed the field nature by
using several types of sensors (soil moisture, water level, temperature & humidity). As
well as also maximize the water usage. Using the soil moisture sensor data the motor
(pump) will be turn on/off automatically. For further analysis all the sensed data will be
saved in the ThingSpeak cloud database and periodically, notifications and observed data
are delivered to mobile users (farmers).
Farmers may use a mobile phone application to check farm conditions from any location.