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Automatic Water Control System in Irrigation (AWCSI)

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dc.contributor.author Biswas, Pranto
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-03T08:42:21Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-03T08:42:21Z
dc.date.issued 22-09-12
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/9108
dc.description.abstract Bangladesh is an agriculture country. Most of the Farmer in this country Irrigate there land manually it means they went to their farming land and observe the land that was enough water or not, when they found there was not enough water in the land they star their motor manually and irrigate their land. It is difficult for farmers, they loss their important time, energy etc. In this cases Automatic water control system can be a solution to this types of problem. This system consist of three stages. Fast is sensing the land moisture. Second is resolution of its status: enough moisture or not. The third is Motor control. The work process of an automatic water control is that it collect the data of soil moisture from soil and send the data to the server and that data calculate by automatically and send them in motor via (%). When soil moisture 40-60% it means soil should not have water. When it down 40% the system will automatically start and irrigate the land. The system will automatically ON or OFF and send a message to the phone. When the land need water and it have not enough moisture the motor will start automatically. The soil for a certain duration, provides information related to the moisture status of the soil. This IoT based project highly use for farming, Nursery professionals by eradicating traditional or manual method of irrigation system. The main aim of this project to reduce irrigation cost, save time of farmer, save electricity, save man power and laborer cost. The node-MCU operate the system, with the help of soil moisture sensor and DHT11 sensor collect the land data and send them in the server after that server send those data via node-MCU then node-MCU commend the motor start or off it depend on the soil moisture level. Automatic Water Control System in Irrigation uses live input data to determine the conditions. This system utilizes the soil moisture sensor to detect water content level in soil and give appropriate responses to the system based on detected condition. This system represents our most basic step towards automated framing to improve turnover and reduce the impact of draught or loss due to irrigations issues. The benefit of employing these techniques is to decrease human interference and still make certain appropriate irrigation. Automatic Water control System in Irrigation is a revolutionary project for agriculture in future. This system make farmer life easy and comfortable for their irrigation system. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Agriculture en_US
dc.subject Irrigation farming en_US
dc.subject Control System en_US
dc.title Automatic Water Control System in Irrigation (AWCSI) en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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