Our country cultivates to a great extent of leafy vegetable. Meanwhile a lot of amount
goes to wastage responsible being the lack of care. This happens due to incapability in
peaking up the right illness of plants, making farmers huge loss. As a result, farmers are
turning their back from planting vegetables. To solve this calamity, from our by heart
efforts we are presenting vegetable diseases detection using machine learning algorithm.
This machine can ease difficulties of detecting incurable vegetables with its features.
Modern medical terms cannot upgrade its facilities in no alternate means of using
machine learning algorithm. Through this algorithmic way we can easily detect the
diseases. Medical procedure is a long process to know health report. In the meantime,
losing a lot of time does make customer dissatisfied. To save time and for customer's
satisfaction this machine learning algorithm demand is at its rise. Our main focus in this
research was to detect diseases of vegetations easily. Our country is in lot of demand of
vegetables. For any reason there comes any failure to detect diseases, all harvest will go
rotten. Late detection of this diseases will not lead to any solution. The initiative of this
research was taken to detect diseases fast. Our little trial is for those farmers, to not let
their harvest go crumble and so to detect diseases fast.