With the advance of technology and internet people all over the world are using digital
technology-based services to make life easy. In this modern era modern technology added
simplicity and efficiency. Due to rapid growth of it, smart approaches are getting widely
use our everyday life. “Student Canteen” which is a mobile application where we achieve
to advanced technology and digital frame to help users to get food in the canteen. In this
project there will be two sides, one is for admin side and other is for user side. The main
work of the admin is to entry available food list, canteen’s picture, a regular food list
regularly, and if wants to give some offer for user’s. He can also update all of these if he
needs. Admin can also receive feedback and wish list given by user. On the other hand the
main work of the user is to see the food menu, canteens picture and offer. User can also
give feedback based on price, services and food quality. User can desire his wishes.