The world is going to be more digitized nowadays. The smartphone is used for business or
communication purposes. That’s why web application is now more popular with anyone.
We live in Bangladesh and Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Most of the people of
Bangladesh is a farmer. But they are poor because they can’t get the fair price of their
product. They are also neglected by society. But they are the main heroes of our society or
our country. To solve this problem we develop our web application which can help the poor
farmers or sellers to get fair price of their product. At first, the sellers have to login or
register on the web page. Then the sellers have to take the products photo. By capturing the
photos of their product they can post in our web application. The bidder or buyer can easily
bid on the products. By dealing with the sellers, bidders can buy the products at a fair price
and they can also get the fresh products directly from the farmers. It will help both seller
and buyer. The front-end was implemented using HTML,CSS , Bootstrap and Javascript
[6]. On the other hand, Python [2], Django [8], SQLite [9] were used in the back-end.
Through this web application, we can inspire poor farmers or sellers to produce more
products and that’s our main goal.