Heart disease similarly known as cardiovascular disease which indicates any uncomfortable disorder affecting the heart. This disease has been the far most common reason of death, premature aged heart failure and influences all types of humans. Our heart's oxygen level drops as a result of blood vessel breakage, and heart attacks follow the cessation of blood pumping. Most common reason of heart attacks or any other heart diseases commonly indicates high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, mental stress and so on. According to reports, nowadays babies also have a variety of heart conditions. A prominent characteristic of acquired heart disease is a coronary artery disease (CAD). Some coronary arteries carry nutrients, oxygen and most importantly- blood to our heart. If those arteries get damaged somehow, a blockage is created in the vessels and blood supply through veins towards the heart gets affected dangerously. The two most frequent reasons are defective cardiac valves and weak or damaged heart tissue are responsible of these premature deaths or early heart diseases. This entire situation can make the heart to beat either too fast or too slow which is not normal pumping at all. Contrastingly, if the beats are too slow, there could not be enough cardiac reductions to provide the body with the blood it actually needs. Chest ache, palpitations, asphyxia, swelling, cyanosis and even sudden death are most known result. Regular heartbeat is always mandatory for the heart to appropriately pump blood and to lead a healthy life.