Traditional medicine uses persicaria maculosa to cure a variety of ailments, including headaches, gout, rhinitis, hemorrhoids, the common cold, and venereal diseases. Traditional medicine recommends it to prevent stomach cancer and uses it topically to heal burns and skin sores. The National Botanical Garden of Bangladesh provided the Persicaria maculosa, and 2500 ml of methanol were used to extract its 500 g of dry plant powder. Alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, and flavonoids all showed good findings in a number of phytochemical studies that were carried out. The results of the thrombolytics activation include Blank 9.84%, Streptokinase 68.81%, and 12.33% for the Persicaria Maculosa extract in methanol. My research's results suggest that further study is needed to determine if the plant may treat headaches, gout, and rhinitis.