One of the oldest human illnesses is tuberculosis (TB), for which there is molecular evidence dating back more than 17,000 years. Unfortunately, TB is still one of the top 10 infectious illnesses that kill people globally, second only to HIV, despite advances in detection and treatment. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that TB is an international epidemic. In this survey, I want to find out what people think about tuberculosis and how it affects their health and happiness. That was completely a cross-sectional study and the target population was asked to respond those questions. The questionnaire starts with a review and 20 questions that are right on target. There are 121 people between the ages of 20 and over 40 who want to take part in this study. Nearly 40% of respondents to this study believe that TB may travel via the air from one person to another, 25% believe that it can spread by respiratory droplets, and 35% believe that it can transmit through either of these channels. This study will aid in understanding the state of the TB epidemic in Shaymoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh.