I was instructed from my respected supervisor to start the internship program. He gave some
instructions on how to conduct my internship program, how to prepare reports.
I chose Pathantola Model Government Primary School for my internship program. I conducted
my internship program in this school for 3 months long. During this internship, I have gained many
experiences including observing different classes of the school, teaching students, various
important tasks of the school. All the teachers in the school were very sincere and friendly towards
me. All the teachers including the Headmaster of the school have cooperated and supported me
in preparing my internship program and report. Their sincerity impressed me. I am very grateful
to all of them. The students of the school were also quite good and friendly. Everyone helped me.
It was a pleasure to me to conduct the internship program at Pathantola Model Government
Primary School. Through the internship I have gained many new experiences which I will try to
apply in my future life to achieve success.