We are moving faster in an era of digital communication and technology. Covid stopped our day-to-day workflow but that speed of transitioning towards digitalization also increased. No one thought before that we have to do class from home or have to shop from home. In that journey towards digitalization, the urgency of using our own language for communication is also increasing. In the time of typing when we press any key on our keyboard, it passes a signal through software and it shows a letter or that alphabet on our screen. Typeface or font are the media of displaying the character of any language on display. There are some Bangla fonts already available but most of them are developed in ANSI. But, very few good-quality Unicode Bangla fonts are available to use on the web. Most of the Bengali websites use those same common fonts. A typeface can express the vibe or mood of any brand or content if it is used wisely. Alphabet can make visual communication to the audience. We need more typefaces and fonts to use.
My main goal for this project is to design and develop a new Unicode typeface implementing a modern design aesthetic. For that project, I will design and develop both Bangla and English letters with the same design characteristics. So that when we will write or type with that it will provide visual similarities and pleasing to eyes. That typeface will be licensed under “SIL Open Font License” so people can use that on the website or anywhere they want.