"Education does not teach us how to act; education fundamentally tells us how to behave," said the legendary philosopher Aristotle. While doing an internship, I realized the truth in this proverb.
Academic education has taught us how to communicate as journalism students. However, the method of communication is determined by the circumstance, the party, and the setting.
We may learn about a variety of theoretical subjects in academic life as well as put those theoretical skills to use in departmental projects. We know that the majority of the work done in the department of media and communication is practical. Because of this, internships are crucial for enhancing core competency.
This internship helps a person build their professional abilities and provides them a clear idea of their career. People embrace a professional outlook on their work as a result of this. Because an apprentice and an intern both receive work experience in a home through internships.
Through internships, students get the chance to translate the theoretical information they have learned in the classroom into professional abilities.
Learning different organizational habits, such as how to adjust to the institutional context, is just as important as gaining experience and abilities.
Additionally, a student may prepare themselves effectively during this process, which will be beneficial to them later in life.