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Digital Marketing as an Intern at Navy Pharmacy

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dc.contributor.author Samrat, Mehedi Hasan
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-19T03:19:39Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-19T03:19:39Z
dc.date.issued 22-12-17
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/9704
dc.description.abstract I completed my internship at Navy Pharmacy, a healthcare organization. My requirement is to intern in communication & digital marketing, so I was looking for the ideal workplace. I learned about the internship position at a job fair where I also discovered the company's contact information, including an e-mail address. After that, I sent Dr. Shanjida Hossain my resume (Head of HR & Head Doctor ). After a brief interview, she decided to hire me. I was overjoyed to have this chance. I believe that my experience as an intern for the past months has taught me new things. I learn about business life, professional communication practices, and many other things. My academic supervisor is Anta Afsana, senior lecturer of Daffodil International University.This summer I completed my undergraduate internship as a communication manager. I've seen a great shift in myself as a result of the incredible experiences I've had lately. However, these changes were not simple to implement. I was committed to completing my task. I was committed. Dedication is crucial for the greatest outcome. Without an honest and sincere commitment to succeed, no success can be achieved. I think benefits might result from a person's maximum level of dedication and commitment to their profession. My committed thought was that I needed to be resilient and go over any obstacles I might encounter. More difficulties have come my way, such as having to work and learn everything as an intern. I can finally claim that I finished this successfully after all these difficulties required by the university to have at least three months of verified work, which I have done fervently. I will be pleased with my great devotion to and dedication to my career at that time in the future. The study's significance highlights the significance of my project report. It provides a chance to demonstrate the study's influence on the subject of the project paper. The study's significance provides a forum for describing precisely how my research will add to the body of knowledge in the area I am researching. I have been working as an intern for a medical supply company and I've been pursuing an education in English language and English literature has a significant impact on overall business performance. Our ability to communicate effectively with national and international customers is largely due to our proficiency in English. For everyone, English communication is a need. It's particularly difficult without English support at work. Studying in English is beneficial. By studying in English, It helps us to communicate with officials too. On the other-hands all the original name of medicine is in English so English is must. My study of English helps me to communicate and enhance my confidence. I need to study English literature also. English literature bolsters my ability to write, jogs my memory, and gives me encouragement. These abilities aid me in advancing my job. Literature is much more complex than most of us realize. We are able to think creatively and imaginatively thanks to literature. Literature broadens our thinking by inspiring us to come up with fresh concepts and by fostering our creative thinking. The fastest-growing industry in the economy is the creative sector. Employers in all industries value creativity highly since it can help them improve their products and services. Skills in literacy put us in the best situations to succeed in our careers. enhancing our reputation as effective communicators. We obtain the best understanding power from Literature. iv TABLE OF CONTENT en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Healthcare organization en_US
dc.subject Communication practices en_US
dc.title Digital Marketing as an Intern at Navy Pharmacy en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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