2022 is a year where we saw Hollywood actress Amber Heart falsely accused Hollywood megastar Johnny Depp for DV. Which eventually made his life very bad, he lost credibility in the industry. People did not want to work with him because of his wife’s claim. That made the researcher think in Bangladesh and India also people believe women’s claim without any kind of investigating the issue. Lots of false claim not only make male spouses socially ashamed but also make his life a living jahannam. This research paper will show the readers the growing agenda of DV in the shape of mental abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, economic violence towards male spouse by their wives. The massage is not like all the cases of female DV are false. The researcher admits the ratio of females being abused mentally, physically, sexually are way higher then male spouse being tortured in this manner. But if the readers go through this legal research, they will find out that; as Bangladeshis sees woman very respectfully and Indians respects women in such a degree that they consider women as devi or Goddess. Citizen of this region believes women’s perspectives more than men. Even one man makes fun of other man if they came to know he has been DVed by his wife. Even wife beating her husband is showing as comedy skits. People are laughing to see in live performance a female character beating her husband and the husband making funny faces.