This is an analysis of Linkedsage Ltd’s Financial performance. I obtained data for the
previous years from company in order to analyze linkedsage Ltd’s financial performance. I
have calculated and examined the ratio using the previous worth data. To determine the state
of the company, I looked at the data from the previous years. So that I may decide more
effectively for the business.
1.2 Scope of the study:
This study is based on my observations and research from my internship at the Linkedsage
Ltd’s. The major themes pertaining to the company’s financial performance were the main
focus. My research just focuses on Linkedsage Ltd. I was observed in almost every division
of the post office department during my three-month internship program. However, this
study looks at Linkedsage Ltd’s financial statements from a variety of angles. For
individuals who wants to understand more about Linkedsage Ltd and evaluate its
performance in comparison to other company this report be helpful.
1.3 Objective of the study:
This research made an effort to provide a general overview of Linkedsage Ltd. Financial
condition. Identifying the reason of financial statement in Bangladesh and at Linkedsage
Ltd. is the main goal of this paper.
Specific Objective:
➢ To gain a general understanding of the Linkedsage Ltd.’s financial performance.
➢ To evaluate of the financial performance of the Linkedsage Ltd.
➢ To identify the problems of the Linkedsage Ltd.’s financial performance.
➢ To draw appropriate recommendation and conclusions regarding Linkedsage Ltd.
financial performance.