Pedestrian accidents occur due to improper
crossing patterns of people and improper crossing
attempts occur for lack of proper road crossing
infrastructure and poor traffic management. Dhaka,
where pedestrian number is high, proper road crossing
infrastructure is a must to halt collision of pedestrians
with running vehicles. In this paper, pedestrian crossing
behavior has been analyzed to provide proper pedestrian
crossing infrastructure at anticipated points. This study
has been conducted at 2 intersections of Dhaka; Mirpur
10 circle and Gulshan 2 circle. Mirpur 10 circle contains
foot over bridge and Gulshan 2 circle without foot over
bridge. The data has been collected in a quantitative
method. It is a co-relational study where people’s
behavior has been observed in their natural environment.
This method is a type of field research. Separate models
have been prepared to recognize pedestrians’ behavior.
The factors for different models are; pedestrians’ age,
gender, and luggage carrying. For intersection having the
foot over bridge, the percentage of pedestrians using
bridge and percentage of pedestrians using roads has
been counted. For intersection not having the foot over
bridges, the difference in crossing pattern of the
pedestrians has been observed and the relation between
the pattern and factors is analyzed. Walkers risk their
lives even to avoid crossing bridges in order to save time
and energy. This research will be helpful to identify the
reason for the unwillingness to use foot over bridge and
crosswalks of various types of pedestrians and thus the
proper crossing facilities can be ensured to make the
amblers' walking comfortable and safe.