In recent years, Bangladesh's banking sector has grown quickly and significantly. not only in our
country. Globalization, technological development, and a lack of authority have all contributed to
the rapid change in the condition of banking. The banking industry in our country has changed as
a result of this transformation, which has had a significant impact on the industry globally. The
banks are now forced to engage in market competition with both domestic and foreign businesses.
This is the reason I made the choice to successfully finish my banking internship program.
Program for Internships a requirement for receiving a BBA from DIU. Intern BBA Program at
DIU Throughout this internship plan, Students must write a report about the particular institution.
I'm thrilled to be a part of the required program at Basic Bank Limited. I spent three months in
Basic Bank Limited's College gate office. This internship is a full-time working endeavor for Basic
Bank Limited and a means of studying the banking industry as a whole. I had to decide on a study
area while I was there in order to do in-depth research and convey my findings in the report. After
finishing the three-month internship program, I have written this report from this point of view. I
greatly appreciate this performance and am hopeful that it will help me advance my future
professional endeavors.