With its large number of students and offices, Daffodil International University is currently a top university in Bangladesh. They typically need to use the University Transport office because a certain percentage of the students come from off-campus. However, there are several problems with the DIU's current bus management system that affect the students. The understudies will receive all information on transportation schedules, curriculum, and driver information in a dispersed manner. Unexpected upgrades and other data can cause a few issues. To maintain the finest management of transportation and everyone associated with it, administrators must contend with a number of challenges. In this way, an application can be a solution for the majority of the problems mentioned above by providing a wide range of transportation-related data, placing the board, and being easy to use and maintain for both admin and user. A Web-based application that operates within a centralized network is called the Web Based DIU-Transport Booking Platform. This project reviews the "DIU-Transport booking platform" software as it should be utilized in a bus transportation system, including a seat reservation feature, reservation cancellation functionality, and various route inquiry methods for getting speedy reservations. It keeps track of every consumer detail as well as bus and reservation information. It was decided to use the Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). Additionally, the front end of the software was created using MySQL while the back end was created using PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) with the Laravel framework language. The system should be expanded to include new features like an online payment option and the use of email to convey tickets and notifications to customers.