For doing my internship I went to “Bengali Medium High School”. It is situated at Mohammadpur
in Dhaka. I did my internship from 24th to 28th March, 2018. I went to the headmaster’s office to
ask him for permission. Then I showed him my recommendation letter and discussed about the
matter in details. After getting the permission I met with two English teachers and observed
teaching equipment, teaching method, students attitude and class activities. And then I gradually
observed three classes. I tried to pick up the real scenarios of English language teaching in
Bangladesh. After my observation of three classes I went to take another three classes as a
teacher. I found sometimes students were very attentive and sometimes they were negligent
within their class time. Some students tried to communicate and respond to their teachers. But
most of the students remained silent in the classroom. However by doing this internship and
observation I also learned how to control the students and grow encourage among of them.