Our project titled “LandNant: An Android Apps For Landlord And Tenant” is an android app for security and crime management of Bangladesh. Using this app the tenant can send their personal information which is required by the government to the police station through the landlord. Now-a-days smart phone becomes a part of our life. We can’t think a single moment without our smart phone. We are more likely to use our phone for practical purpose in our daily life. Among these smart phone OS, android has majority percentage. Android OS is also an open source platform and it has large number of users. For this we thought that we should build something in android that has practical use to the user. And it will help them in difficult situations. Our app will manage all the information about the people living in an area. This will increase the security and decrease crime. It also reduce time. We no need to go to the police station to provide our information and it will reduce harassment. We use java and SDK for front-end design and firebase for back-end design. We also use firebase as our main database. This application is very user friendly. After finishing all the task and test process this application proved to be working effectively.