This project is on An Android based Application for Tenant System. The purpose of
this project is to allow the landlord to post their flat rental in a selective area and
allow Tenant to find their desire area in Dhaka city. This app is initially some selected
area in Dhaka city. In Dhaka, city landlord has to print different poster, different
banner to find the tenant for their rental unit. Sometimes their rental unit remains open
for rent about few months. This is a financial loss for them. On the other hand, the
tenant has to go different area to find a house for them. This is very time consuming
and hard task for tenants. Usually to find a rental unit tenant has to go house to house
and talk to the landlord. They don't know anything about that particular rental unit
before go to landlord's house. With will app, the tenant can find their rental unit
easily. The tenant can see the picture of that renal unit and other information about
that rental unit. In this app, the landlord can create their profile with their details
select their area and post their flat information. Here in this app landlord can post
multiple flat rental posts. They can update the information on their profile. They can
also update and delete their flat rental post. Here the landlord can answer the question
submitted by the tenant for a particular post. When the landlord gives the feedback of
that message tenant can see the reply of that particular rental post on details activity.
For this project, Android platform is chosen primarily because of mobile’s portability,
popularity and number of a user of the Android operating system