Secured message transactions are
very much desirable for electronic
communications in so many ways. A secured
message transaction technique has been
designed, developed and implemented using
Java programming language. For this, a
symmetric key encryption technique dynamic
Hill cipher has been used for message
encryption-decryption with a dynamic key
length. A square-matrix of the given key length
has been generated with the property that
modulo operation of the product of the matrix
and the inverse of that matrix is identity. The
intended message is converted into binary form.
Performs the bitwise-XOR operation of the
equal two halves of the binary form and repeats
the operations 3 times to generate the message
digest (MD), and concatenate it with the
message. Encrypts them using the Hill cipher
technique with the key matrix and then send
them to the destination. In the receiving end, the
reverse process is performed to retrieve the
message in secured manner. This process can
be applied in many cryptographic applications
as well as research works.