The present study reveals the comparison of
physical properties of the bamboo/cotton blended
yarn with similar 100 % cotton yarn. The bamboocotton
blend ratios of each category of yarn (30s, 40s
and 50s) were 67:33, 50:50, and 33:67, respectively.
For each individual count of yarn, it was observed
from the test result that the properties of
50:50/bamboo: cotton blended yarn showed very
nearer property to the 100% cotton yarn. For Count
(30s), 67:33/bamboo: cotton showed very closer
property to the 50:50/bamboo: cotton blended yarn. It
was also observed that for each count of yarns, which
showed decreasing property with the increase of
bamboo in the blend. The quality characters depend
upon the ratio of bamboo and cotton in the blend