This project titled “SMS Based web portal for fixing appointments with doctors” for fixing appointment with the doctors online could be a start of providing medical services online to the clients of Bangladesh.
The system could be used to maintain doctors’ information and fixing appointment with them not only as a small scale of one individual hospital or medical service provider but as a large scale by holding information about the doctors’ of an entire city or the whole country, for example Dhaka city’s famous Cardiologists. The portal provides the clients the ease of searching doctors of their need and fixing appointment with them. It also provides individual profile to the users to maintain their records and using them for further references. The portal also holds information and profiles of blood donors who are willing to donate blood to the needed. It also works as a portal to advertise information about the famous hospitals for the clients to look up and contact with them during their emergencies. Using PHP v 5.3.1 and MySQL v 5.1.41 for back-end scripting and database management and HTML 5 and CSS 3 for the front-end the web portal was implemented to provide dynamic services to clients.